For the Least of These

One of the biggest claims made by advocates for choice is that pro-lifers don’t care about the mom or the baby after its born, only that they’re born. There are thousands of organizations that blow this argument out of the water, and for the next two months leading up to my next release, I’ll be talking about two examples right here in my community.

Foster Friends supports the foster care community by providing meals to busy families and offering direct encouragement and prayer. They also connect the community with the needs of these families with virtual prayer meetings and a Facebook group. Specific needs of families (i.e. diapers, a toddler bed, a hot meal, etc.) are posted on a regular basis in the Facebook group to give members opportunities to fill those needs. While some of these needs would be easier taken care of by a local, many can be filled by anyone in a virtual manner.

I highly recommend following this group to see how much change they are making in our community. It’s simple to become a part of the bigger plan God has in store for these families and friends who have given their lives to help these kids.

Want to pray for them? Here are the current needs:

  • Social workers have been challenged in new ways since the start of the pandemic, often working from home. Pray for wisdom and flexibility as they adjust in this already extremely challenging field.
  • Pray for the kids who have come into care this month, kids who are probably feeling unloved, scared, angry, and lonely. That they’ll feel His peace and comfort.
  • For any parents who may be struggling: for wisdom, guidance and energy.
  • One of the founders of Foster Friends has been diagnosed with cancer. Pray for her healing, for her doctors and her family.

“The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’ Matthew 25:40 NIV

Thank you so much for making an Impact.

Don’t forget! A Short Story Series based on Impact is available here, and the Series Collection is currently available free to new subscribers. Know anyone who enjoys Contemporary Fiction? Forward this post to them so they can sign up to receive the series for free!

Watch for new release info coming soon!

Author: audrasanlyn