Author: audrasanlyn
Seasons of Change
I know, it’s been a while since I’ve posted. No, I haven’t decided to go off grid and build a tiny house or start a…
To Equip and Empower
Today’s blog is the second of a two-part series highlighting organizations that are making an impact in our community. AbbaCare Pregnancy Resource Center has been…
For the Least of These
One of the biggest claims made by advocates for choice is that pro-lifers don’t care about the mom or the baby after its born, only…
Just Share Your Fries
The other day, our family picked up lunch on the way home. In typical Sheetz fashion, we ended up with multiple bags of made-to-order junk…
Speaking Truth in Love
A lot of people, (writers in particular) like to pick a “word for the year.” A single word that sums up what they want to…
The Big Picture
Don’t we often learn lessons in the most unlikely places? Like many kids, Drew loves Google Earth. After school one day, he asked to see…
Of Truth and Trials
Many of you have probably seen the news of Trump’s antibody treatment for Covid-19 in early October. Since one of my purposes is to educate…
George Bailey, 2020 Style
To start out, a few of the 2020 memes that have circulated this year: My husband and I were laughing about these the other day….
A New Reality: Tips for Virtual Learning and Homeschooling
Whether by choice or necessity, now more than ever, parents have turned to virtual learning or homeschooling as a means of education for their children….
The Light in the Storm
Every day, we’re faced with decisions. many of these decisions affect others in ways we’ll never be able to imagine. It’s the difference between encouragement…