Author: audrasanlyn
The Value of One
Many of you may have heard about the American Family Act of 2019, a bill introduced by Senator Michael Bennet and supported by Bernie Sanders…
Earlier this week, I’m eating lunch with my little ones. Thinking out loud, I say, “I need a June blog topic. What should I write…
Unchanged Melody
I don’t know about you, but this strange and awkward moment in history has me thinking back to a much different time. A time when…
In No Uncertain Times
We’ve found ourselves in quite the unusual situation, haven’t we? As a matter of fact, there are lots of un’s in our current circumstance: unlikely,…
Life as we Know it
I’m going to talk about something that’s been weighing on my mind for quite a few years now. Considering recent media coverage, it’s probably been…
Our Anchor
I’ll be honest with you. Winter isn’t an easy time for me to draw inspiration from life. The brown trees don’t exactly scream encouraging wisdom…
Out with the old, in with the new(ish)
Let’s start over. This is the mindset in which many of us enter the new year. So, in the spirit of January, I present this…
Turkey, Apple Cobbler and Epiphanies on Love
Before moving forward to Christmas, I need to rewind to a Friday a few weeks ago. Our family is visiting my son’s school for their…
Burn the Ships
“How did we get here?” It’s a question many of us ask ourselves at some point in our lives, and one that’s posed by For…
Fire and Ice
What makes two people click? If there were a simple answer to that question, the dreaded search for Mr. Right would be null and void,…